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1. Why Wait? Lock in the date! Contact me to officiate

a) Don't leave choosing a celebrant to the last minute, a celebrant needs to prepare your ceremony and get to know you so that your ceremony can be personal and individualised, as well as lodging the NOIM (notice of intention to marriage) at least one month prior to your planned wedding date. (A notice expires after 18 months)

Download NOIM

b) A Shortening of time can be lodged with a Prescribed Authority, there are only 5 circumstances in which a shortening of time may be considered, these are limited to:

  • employment related or other travel commitments
  • wedding or celebration arrangements, or religious considerations
  • medical reasons
  • legal proceedings, or
  • an error in giving notice

2. Do keep in mind the weather, no matter what month of the year you choose the weather is unpredictable so if you are having an outdoors ceremony please ensure that you have a back-up plan just in case.

3. Weddings can become an emotional roller-coaster, so much planning and so many things to think of - remember to take a few deep breaths, remain calm, have a shoulder to lean on.

If you have any concerns at all, please contact your celebrant who I am sure can help you or point you in the right direction.

4. Time is of the essence, tip for the "Brides" It's your day but it's also the Grooms, please try to arrive no later than 15 minutes from your ceremony invite, being late could mean leaving your handsome groom hot & bothered or worse still worried you may not be showing up!

A hot day could take its toll on wedding guests waiting in the sun, so unless something unforeseen happens (in which case get someone to make a quick phone call to a guest) try not to leave your loved one waiting.

5. Break in those Dancing Shoes, the last thing you want is to be hobbling around in those gorgeous wedding shoes you purchased just for your big day. 

6. If you choose to use your spouse's family name, you will need to contact every organisation you have a personal account with.

*TIP* - Once you have received you legal marriage certificate, change your drivers licence first as this is your photo ID for all name changes!

Start by making a list. Your list may include: 

  • drivers licence
  • passport
  • car registration
  • bank accounts
  • Australian Taxation Office
  • Australian Electoral Commission enrolment
  • Medicare
  • insurance policies
  • doctors/dentist
  • superannuation
  • your will
  • subscriptions
  • memberships
  • others

7 . Above all - Have Fun - Enjoy The Moment - Be In The Now - Take It All In - It's Your Day 

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